The matters regarding Mr. Greaves may be heading in a direction inconsistent with the allegations as known in the public domain

Dear Editor,

Since the revelations of ‘land deals, purchase of properties, resignation tendered,’ it appears that cold water has been poured on this matter, which I consider grave and damaging to Guyana. It further suggests to me that corruption has become normalised under this PPP/C regime. There are classic examples, involving former Permanent Secretaries of Indigenous People’s Affairs, who was criminally charged for malpractices and is now a full-time staff at Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA). Ms. May Toussaint, who is currently on administrative leave, due to allegations leveled against her and Ms. Prem Roopnarine, from Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, allegedly involved in wrongdoing. She resigned and is now a full-time management at Guyana Revenue Authority. Then, the case of Mr. Bobby Gossai, employee of Natural Resources, who was accused of acting unilaterally on the US$214M audit, for which US$211M remains unaccounted, for Cost Recovery Audit. It appears he is currently shuffling between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Office of the Prime Minister, on the Gas-to-Energy Project, since he was seen supporting both Vickram Bharrat and Prime Minister on answers to questions asked by Opposition member, David Patterson, et al., during the consideration of Budget 2025 estimates.

Above, I illustrate how the Jagdeo/Ali regime addresses this runaway horse, ‘Corruption!’ They cover and shield the actors of their corrupt practices. This can only be the case since they are culpable and complicit. Just examine how Mr. Ali, who blew hot air, that ‘an investigation will be conducted in the Jagdeo-Su scandal.’ Nothing has happened, despite the pleas of the Opposition and members of society, to have an impartial investigation conducted. Since the revelations of the Greaves-Ed Ahmad scandal, Mr. Greaves, according to Jagdeo-Ali, resigned, assuring them that everything he has achieved is through hard work and can be justified. My concern, however, is that while serving as a Public Officer allegations are leveled, why resign with immediate effect, and not subject oneself to an impartial investigation? To say, that one’s resignation is purely a personal choice and in no way an admission of guilt, is a cause for concern, and as a Guyanese, I felt insulted when issues or matters of public importance are not fully investigated and the accused is vindicated by a competent court. Therefore, from February 4, 2025 to now, this grave and troubling matter, which warrants serious investigations has gone cold, and persons like Mr. Greaves are made to walk free.

Mr. Greaves was an employee at Republic Bank, who I learnt applied for the position of Chief Executive Officer – Central Housing and Planning Authority, during the Coalition Government. At that time, he was interviewed by then Chairman of the Board, Mr. Hamilton Green. I was reliably informed by Mr. Green, when the question was put to Mr. Greaves, ‘why do you want to work at Central Housing and Planning Authority, since you have an excellent job at Republic Bank?’ The response he received, ‘I like housing…’ He was unsuccessful! When the Government changed in August 2020, Mr. Greaves got his heart’s desire and was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Central Housing and Planning Authority. Now that he has found himself in an embarrassing situation, there are a few questions that came to mind:

1.    When was the position of CEO-CHPA advertised in 2020?

2.    How many persons applied?

3.     When and where was the interview conducted, and by whom?

4.     Was due diligence done on applicants?

In addition to the above questions, public officials are called on to declare their assets, etc., to the Integrity Commission. It will be of public interest to know what Mr. Greaves declared, prior to his appointment as CH&PA’s CEO. Editor, as a Guyanese, who love my country, I am concerned of its current state under the PPP/C. Corruption has become uncontrollable and the Jagdeo/Ali regime has no intention of addressing it. Look at their posture whenever this ‘C’ word is used. While it is banned from the National Assembly, the Opposition has the free will to use it in the public’s domain.  Just last Monday, I penned a letter to the editor, sharing excerpts from a forensic audit done on Central Housing and Planning Authority in 2017, and in the document, it reported how swathes of state lands were allocated to close associates of the PPP/C, and sold way below market prices. It is a shame and disgrace of the PPP/C who has now allowed corruption to be embedded in the governance system, without showing any interest in rooting out this runaway horse.

Editor, is this the society the PPP/C would like us to accept? Is this the society, filled with corruption the PPP/C wants us to bequeath to generations coming after us? Therefore, I will continue to add my voice and call on the government to act swiftly in investigating the actions committed by Mr. Sherwin Greaves. It is unacceptable for Guyanese to be comfortable with a resignation, and the matter die a natural death! Why is Jagdeo/Ali reluctant to act? Is there a deep secret into this matter that they both wish not to be publicly known? May I remind them of the old saying, “What is done in the dark will come to light,” which essentially means that secrets or hidden actions will eventually be revealed and become known to everyone. Like many Guyanese, I wait with bated breath.


Annette Ferguson, MP