Good to see the opposition’s Le Repentir Cemetery motion passed

Dear Editor

It was good to see an opposition motion regarding the Le Repentir Cemetery was passed in the National Assembly, but not after an acrimonious debate and finger pointing from both sides of the aisle (News Source Feb 17).

But why should this be?  Both sides are equally at fault and bear responsibility for the current state of disrepair of the Cemetery.  Both sides must share the blame.  To try to deflect to the other side is pointless.  Of course City Hall which has close ties to the opposition is not without recriminations and must be roundly and soundly condemned.

Over the years governments have done piece meal, ad hoc works at attempts to rehabilitate the Cemetery but with no success.  Any plan now must include maintenance and upkeep with beautification added. 

It is hoped to see shortly the passed motion bearing fruit and the Cemetery transformed in a meaningful way. This undertaking is long overdue.  We all have loved ones interred there so we all have an interest in seeing this done.  Stop the rhethoric, get it done!


Shamshun Mohamed