Prime Minister Mark Phillips on Friday commissioned the new Mabaruma Magistrate’s Court in Region One.
A release yesterday from his office said that he called the commissioning of the $277.9m court “a tremendous achievement” as well as “a testament to our Government’s dedication to ensuring that justice is accessible to all citizens, regardless of their location”.
Access to justice, he said, represents a fundamental constitutional right that must be realised in practice.
“Our Government is deeply committed to ensuring that these rights and freedoms do not exist on paper only but are realised by our citizens. It is for this reason that our Government invests billions of dollars annually in our justice sector in order to advance the rule of law and ensure our people have access to a justice system that is competent, efficient and impartial”, he stated. The Prime Minister added that the court’s opening forms part of an extensive justice infrastructure programme that has seen progress nationwide. In addition to the courts constructed and rehabilitated during 2021 to 2023 at Bartica, Kwakwani, Vigilance, Wales, and the Berbice and Georgetown High Courts, this year alone, he said that the Government has completed the extension to the Court of Appeal, as well as the construction of the Port Kaituma and Mahaicony Magistrate’s Courts.

“We also commissioned the Mahdia Magistrate’s Court, and before the year is over, courts at Anna Regina, Friendship, Mabaruma, and Timehri will also be operational.
The Prime Minister highlighted the practical advantages of the new facility, which features modern technological capabilities including video conferencing.
“These courts provide for cases to be heard by Zoom platforms, thereby removing the need for lawyers and litigants to appear in person. This saves time and money. Importantly, it allows prisoners to appear by Zoom from different prison centres across the country, saving the State millions of dollars in transportation expenses”, he said.
“Amid all this recognition of development, it is important to note that while our Government remains ready and willing to continue to provide adequate resources to the judiciary, we respect the judiciary as an independent institution, and therefore we cannot direct, and we will never attempt to direct, how the judiciary operates… All we ask is that our judicial officers discharge their function efficiently, fairly and in accordance with our law. Our citizens deserve that much, and in fact, are entitled by law to such treatment”, he added.
The court, Prime Minister Phillips explained, is part of a broader strategy for comprehensive development in hinterland communities. He pointed to significant investments in renewable energy and digital connectivity that complement justice infrastructure.

In a release, the Department of Public Information (DPI) said that the facility is within walking distance from the township and will serve far-flung communities across the region including White Water and Tobago Hill.
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC said that the new court is an illustration of the government’s commitment to the rule of law and represents its strong working relationship with the judiciary.
He said these courts are on par with international standards and are equipped with modern features such as audio/visual recording and virtual hearing facilities.
Substantial investments are also being made in software to enable electronic litigation, he said.
The event was also marked by the launch of the first-ever flag of the judiciary. It features horizontal red, cream and black bars, complemented with the image of Lady Justice.