Commemorating Stanley Greaves’ 90th birthday


In commemoration of the renowned artist Stanley Greaves’ 90 birthday, the Sunday Stabroek will be featuring images of some of his artwork accompanied by poems written by him. This week’s sculpture JAGUAR, 1980  is accompanied by a note from Mr Greaves and the poem.

JAGUAR, 1980,  Terracotta, H. 5 ins x L. 8 ins.

On hearing that a Jaguar was in the Zoo at the Botanic Gardens I had to go see it. Unlike other members of the feline or cat family, the head is rounded and its body compact muscular. This is a very powerful animal and has been used symbolically in  South American cultures as a spiritual force e.g. the Kanaima in Guana.

It is this aspect that is presented in the sculpture which is not realistic. It has four ears. and the eyes are large. The raised dots on the head symbolise the  mystical number three.

The Holy Trinity in ancient Egypt and its counterpart in Christianity. The head is hollow with an opening at the bottom to accommodate incense if it is used for ritual purposes. 

POETRY  (1978)

In the time of revised spells

when the language of poetry

is no more the tool of fools,

granite flowers will bloom

on the mountains, where

determined rivers flow

in furrows clawed by jaguars.