The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) announced by way of a statement yesterday the promotion of 41 officers, following the approval of President and Commander-in-Chief Irfaan Ali. This decision was based on Part III, Section 16 of the Defence Act 15:01 of 1977, and was personally endorsed by the Chief of Defence Staff Brigadier Omar Khan.
Among the names on the promotion list is substantive Lieu-tenant Colonel Lloyd Souvenir, Commandant of the Guyana National Reserve, who has been elevated to the rank of Substantive Colonel. His promotion is a testament to his dedicated service and leadership in the GDF, the statement said.
Additionally, Acting Lieutenant Colonels Raymond Archer, John Mohanlall, and Jose Ferreira have all been confirmed as substantive officers.
Nine substantive majors have been elevated to the rank of Acting Lieutenant Colonel. Those officers are: Kevin Langevine, Cranston France, Jaime Castello, Marvin Simson, Kevaun Gray, Joslyn Assanah, Damon Joseph, Keith Watts, and Kirk Marlock, the statement added.

Further, Acting Major Kareem Graham has been confirmed in his rank as substantive Major, while substantive Captains Eon Cameron, Brentnol Bart, Michael Favourite, and Othniel Hope have received promotions to Acting Major, the GDF said.
Nineteen Second Lieutenants have been promoted to substantive Lieutenant, the statement said.
In the Coast Guard, Acting Commander Adrian McLean has been promoted to substantive Commander and three substantive Lieutenants – Clinton Venture, Kenrick Rodney, and Derrick Johnson have been elevated to the rank of Acting Lieutenant Commander, the statement said.