Ups and downs with Guymedia

Dear Editor,

At long last a Guymedia day to get my teeth into. It started at 6:30 a,m when Bill mounted his horse for Homestretch Avenue. He was a guest in Guyana Today. Snap, crackle and pop it was not. Nice graphics but oh so dull content. Presenters sans autocue-showed-reading out DPI announcements. Made Sharma’s death announcements look positively lively. The green screen nearly worked. On the two shot it looked like Nazim and his no-host were floating in the air like the Snowman. Then the big interview with me on the 2025 Edition of Oil Dorado (Available on Amazon US as you ask).

Trouble was that Nazim, like all us Hacks, had not read the book just the blurb allowing BCR to take over the narrative. Never mind all ink is good ink.

From there to the International oil conference at the Marriot. Bill had come in under the wire after the ‘mother of a battle’ (copyright Saddam Hussein the dictator not the major domino of Guyeducation). He was banned from registering for no reason before bringing in his Portuguese man of war. Kit did it.

The conference itself was true Guyanese. The false start to the National Anthem, the live speaker’s video background that was like an Escher collage and interminable speeches. Does Irfaan ever time his own? Shorter is sweeter, Mr. President’. The opening cast not quite the premier league of past years. Mike Pompeo – venturing out with his protection stripped away by Trump 2.0 was good value as was Sir Paul Collier of my hometown university-Oxford. The Bharrat Jagdeo chat show leavened the dough as did the light touch MCing by the excellent Alex Graham. Give that man a bigger role. Bill ended the day with good old fashioned piss up courtesy of Exxon Mobil. All in all a day of ups and downs, mainly the latter.

John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair