Dear Editor,
As Guyana celebrates its 55th anniversary as a republic, let’s pause to reflect on the profound journey that has brought us here — from the shackles of colonialism to the hard-won freedom we now enjoy. But while we honour this milestone, we must not forget that the struggle for human rights, dignity, and the constitutional right to actively participate in decisions that affect our lives is far from over.
Our history is one marked by centuries of resistance. From the 1763 rebellion led by Cuffy against slavery (colonial oppression) to the struggles of the 20th century for self-governance, the people of Guyana have continuously fought to assert their humanity. These struggles were not merely about freedom from foreign domination but about creating a society where the voices of all people, particularly the marginalised, could be heard.
The transition to a republic on February 23, 1970, was a significant victory in this long and arduous fight. Yet, it was only a step in the ongoing journey toward true self-determination. Republic status did not, and cannot, erase the systemic issues that continue to affect our people: poverty, inequality, and the lack of equitable access to opportunities and justice.
Today, Guyana finds itself at a crossroads. While we have made great strides in certain areas, particularly with the oil boom, we face a growing paradox. The country is rich in resources, yet many of its citizens continue to live in poverty.
The benefits of this newfound wealth are not being equitably shared. The working class, our farmers, and the vulnerable remain on the periphery of this economic miracle. The same forces of greed and exploitation that fueled our colonial past continue to shape the present.
In this context, the struggle for human rights and dignity remains as urgent as ever. One critical aspect of this struggle is ensuring that every citizen can exercise his or her fundamental right to participate in decision-making, especially when it comes to elections.
The fight for “one-man-one vote,” championed by Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow — the Father of Trade Unionism in the British Empire and Guyana’s National Hero — and our forebears is still vital today. This fight remains unfinished, and we must ensure that the upcoming elections are free and fair.
The clean-up of the voter list and the introduction of biometrics are not just procedural matters — they are vital to safeguarding the integrity of our democratic process. As we approach the next election, we cannot afford to relent.
We must continue our fight until we achieve a clean, accurate voter list and a system that guarantees transparency and accountability. This is not merely a political issue; it is a matter of our freedom and the preservation of our democracy. We must hold the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), the Government, and the Opposition accountable to the people’s will.
The legacy of our forebears demands more from us than celebration; it demands action. We must continue to demand access to quality education, healthcare, jobs, infrastructural development, and so forth.
We must call for transparent governance, accountable leadership, and a robust system that guarantees the protection of our most vulnerable. Our constitutional right to participate in the decisions that shape our future must be defended, for it is only through participation that we can truly realise the promise of a free and just society.
As we celebrate our 55th year as a republic, let us remember that the struggle is far from over. The journey toward a truly equitable and dignified society is long, but it is a journey we must continue, for the sake of our children and the generations that follow.
Lincoln Lewis