Cromarty man acquitted on rape charge

Delroy Parks

Delroy Parks, 40, of Cromarty Village, Corentyne was on Wednesday acquitted of rape by a jury on a majority verdict before Justice Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Berbice Assizes     

Earlier in the trial, a juror had to be excused due to medical challenges, thereafter reducing the original twelve-member panel, to eleven.

 Shortly after the verdict, State Counsel Cecelia Corbin, served a notice of intended appeal, citing Section 33  (3) of the Court of Appeal Act Chapter 3:01.

When Parks was called upon to lead his defence,  he opted to remain silent. However, in his caution statement to the police, he claimed to have been in Suriname at the time of the incident.

Parks was represented by attorney at law Kevin Morgan (Legal Aid)  

The State had originally indicted Parks with three counts:  rape of an adult female. , robbery of a female  and robbery of a juvenile.

The offences were said to have been committed on December 30, 2021.