President Ali must not be a supplicant to Maduro

So Maduro wants to talk based on the provisions of the Geneva Agreement. In the first place, President Ali must not give credibility, or fall victim, to the hoary tale of Venezuela’s false interpretation of the Geneva Agreement that it mandates a resolution of the border controversy by negotiation between the two countries. Negotiation was mandated only in relation to the Mixed Commission for a period of four years. Article 1 states: “A Mixed Commission shall be established with the task of seeking satisfactory solutions for the practical settlement of the controversy…” Article IV states: “If within a period of four years of this Agreement, the Mixed Commission shall not have arrived at a full agreement it shall, in its final report, refer to the Government of Guyana and the Government of Venezuela any outstanding questions. Those Governments shall without delay choose one of the means of peaceful settlement provided in Article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations.”