The dilemma of empty plates

Cropped AI generated image of man with an empty bowl (Image by freepik)
Cropped AI generated image of man with an empty bowl (Image by freepik)

Every morning, the sun rises above a newly rested world. As the sunlight spreads itself like a blanket over our lands, flowers unfurl, people awaken and shimmering drops of dew disappear into the morning in the form of invisible mist. The sunlight nourishes us through its very warmth and splendour. However, it also gives us an extraordinarily unique power – the power to grow food.

Our planet is filled with creatures of all kinds. There are living things that hunt other animals for food, there are those which consume plants and then there are those which are capable of converting sunlight and water into their own form of food.

At the very beginning of our existence, our ancestors learned the art of using sunlight to grow food crops. Today, human beings are different in the fact that most of us neither hunt nor grow the food that we eat, but have subscribed to a unique system that runs on a combination of natural and man-made processes. This system has been engineered with the intent to ensure that all human beings are fed. In fact, the system does produce enough food to feed everyone on the planet. Yet, we find ourselves defeated by the appalling fact that at least one in 11 people is left hungry every single day.