Unfathomable deadly strike in the middle of the night

Dear Editor, 

In this period,  when two of the world’s major religions are observing significant religious practices – Lent and Ramadan – it is unfathomable that a deadly strike in the middle of the night by one country against another has taken place resulting in massive deaths and injuries to innocent and helpless civilians.   The fragile peace truce is now hopelessly in tatters.

The weak response to the assault by the country carrying out the assault was the assaulted country chose war as it refused to release hostages belonging to the assaulting country.  How outrageous!  How infantile! Whatever happened to diplomacy and negotiations?  It is posited this assault was supported even ordered.

And the world looks on, while those with courage to speak up are arrested or deported or other forms of sanctions ordained by  the stroke of the pen to an executive order.  

To resort to violence of such a horrendous magnitude all because your demands were not met not only borders on bullyism, but begs:  who is stoking or aiding and abetting WWIII? 

Allies and friends of the attacked nation must not stand idly by while atrocities of unimaginable proportions are being allowed to take place.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed