Dear Editor,
Yesterday, we witnessed an unusual spectacle, rarely ever seen in these shores. After doing their due diligence, the United States federal government arrested a Guyanese citizen. The nature of the charges is not known, but they are serious enough to likely hold her in prison until a June court date.
Certain members of the political spectrum, who are largely dormant in fighting for the average citizenry, suddenly found their voice. Without any proof, they decided the entity most responsible for a Guya-nese national being arrested in America …is the Guyanese government. Merely months before an election and with all the other urgent issues affecting Guyanese, this is the one that energizes them.
Our dear old leaders like LFS Burnham and Desmond Hoyte must be turning in their graves. Does anyone truly believe the Guyanese government have that power? I know they do not. Because if they do, a certain individual in Brooklyn would have been home a long time ago.
Herbert Allen