A UN Preventive Force for Guyana (UNPREGUY)

Dr Bertrand Ramcharan
Dr Bertrand Ramcharan

There is much anguish in and out of Guyana about how the Dear Land might protect its sovereignty over the Essequibo in the face of serious threats from Venezuela to seize the territory, which represents two-thirds of the land patrimony of Guyana. I have reflected on this issue and would humbly suggest the urgent establishment of a UN Preventive Force for Guyana (UNPREGUY), deployed along the frontier between Guyana and Venezuela.

In the history of the UN, there has been one such preventive deployment previously, a successful operation along the borders between the then Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the one hand, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and Albania, on the other hand. (UNPREDEP)

According to the UN website, UNPREDEP was the first peacekeeping mission deployed during peacetime and was intended to prevent the outbreak of war. UNPREDEP was charged with monitoring and reporting any developments along the borders of the three countries that could undermine confidence and stability in Macedonia and threaten its territory.