The late Daphne Anthony cared especially for orphans and the less fortunate

Dear Editor,

I was deeply saddened by the news of Ms. Daphne Doreen Anthony passing. She died peacefully in her sleep at her home with her daughter Judith at her bedside on Thursday, March 06, 2025 at age 93. My heartfelt condolences go to her grieving family, relative and friends. 

As I reflect on her life and work, I can say that the late Ms. Daphne Doreen Anthony has left a legacy that society should follow. She helped children to meet their potential especially those who became orphans or less fortunate in society and needed parental guidance and care like what she did for me.

I remembered when I became an orphan at the tender age of eleven years old.  Ms. Anthony took me in her home and treated me like her own child. She took me to St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Plaisance where I was welcomed by the then Priest, Father Mark Kendall and parishioners, where they also supported me.

Ms. Anthony ensured that I attended school every day and wrote the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) since she believes that education is important for a child’s success in life and first and foremost in putting God first. 

From childhood through adulthood my adopted mom and I shared a bond that was special. She was the person I knew I could turn to, confide in and looked to her when needed. She was like a mother to me when I struggled, it was mom who lifted me up with faith in me that never wavered.

She was a disciplinarian and when I did things wrong, she would correct me. I can recall one day when I was speaking at home, I pronounced the word bottle incorrectly and she corrected me, (laughing), “The word is not bacle Rayvonne, it is bottle, say bottle.’’ In school when I achieved success, she cheered loudest. 

While we mourn Ms. Anthony’s passing, I take comfort knowing her legacy lives on through her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren I will be forever grateful for the unconditional love she gave to me. Her kindness and warmth touched everyone she met. Losing her leave an ache in our hearts, but also inspiration to live up to her beautiful example with the love she had for children.

She will be greatly missed. May her soul rest in peace and rise in glory. 


Rayvonne P. Bourne