Substandard work at Cornelia Ida Cricket Ground

Dear Editor,

We the people of Cornelia Ida would like to invite the President and his Ministers to visit the village to voice our concerns.

There have been a few letters published in the newspapers in the last six months about the Cornelia Ida Cricket Club ground renovation and enhancement programme. The enhancement of CICC started in 2021, it has been 4 years now and there is no ending in sight. It’s about time some senior government ministers visit our village and arrange corrective action to the substandard work that never finished.

In March 2021, Minister Ramson made public that the community ground at Cornelia Ida was set to undergo a massive redesign that would transform it into a multi-purpose facility similar to a “mini national park structure”.  It has been four years now and we are still waiting to see Mr. Ramson’s dream park. Below is what his dream of a park is for the people of Cornelia Ida at the moment.

The current condition of the cricket ground

A new pavilion built with no shed over the seats for spectators, no washroom for spectators, no water or electricity, no caretaker for the cricket ground, no watchman to protect the building from vandalism. Mr. President this ground was fenced with zinc. When the renovation started it was removed and currently the ground is not fenced after four years.

Poor planning by the engineers, minister of sports and RDC is the reason why this ground can never be finished. The ground needs to be filled with fresh dirt, but the RDC/NDC dug drains around to fill the ground, that is the reason why there are wild weeds/grass  growing and nothing has been done to correct the issue.

Mr. President & VP Jagdeo we are looking forward for your visit to address the substandard work that has been done for the last four years.

The current condition of the cricket ground


R. Persaud