The burnt toast theory

If you burn your toast, do you redo it to get it right? (Image by freepik)
If you burn your toast, do you redo it to get it right? (Image by freepik)

Since the beginning of time, the extraordinary feats of mankind have inspired a sense of marvel and mystery. Our evolution has not only been biological, but also social in nature. At one point in history, our most powerful ability was simply being able to start a fire. Today, however, there is no limit to what we can achieve and how far we can grow as a species. Nevertheless, as we observe the achievements of those from our past and those who are changing the world in the present, we are often filled with questions about how some of these feats are possible at all!

How can a person be able to run almost as quickly as a deer? How did human beings build the Egyptian pyramids that are hundreds of feet tall without using any machinery? How did we manage not only to create medicines to cure diseases, but also to create vaccines that can prevent a disease from occuring at all?