How the Cost of Living is affecting people – Part 120

Stabroek News spoke to members of the public in Container City, Ruimveldt, Georgetown, about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. The following are their comments:

Renata Clarke

Renata Clarke, a 37-year-old fruits’ vendor said: “I have four children and the cost for everything is hard on us because the cost for items is high at the shops and markets. Instead of the minibus driver take $60 for one child, the driver takes $100 each to drop a child from Front Road to St Pius Primary School street. My children live with me and my mother. I’m a single mother. Couple months ago, I used to buy a 10 kg Karibee rice for $1,900; now the same bag of rice cost $2,500. The cost for sugar, soap powder, all gone up at the shops. Couple months back, a big pack Sunny soap powder cost $1,500; the soap powder cost $1,700 now. My mother and I sell fruits on the Linden Park but for a while now, the cost for fruits gone up; like mangoes. A tub of mangoes cost $8,000 before; now I’m buying a tub of mangoes for $18,000. The government has to do something about the high prices because when the government shared the cash grant, I went in the market to buy items, and saw that the cost for everything gone up. The grant was helpful but the government need to do something about the high prices.”