Still a long way to go for women’s equality
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Chancellor (ag) Yonette

-Chancellor (ag) Cummings-Edwards `There is so much to be done on our part…We still have cases in the private sector where if women try to raise their voice or have their voices heard they are met with violence’ Acting Chancellor of the Judiciary Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards has called for greater inclusion of women in decision-making processes, emphasizing that while progress has been made, there is still a long way to go.

Brazilian woman charged over $26.2m gold purchase, granted $75,000 bail
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The woman accused in a $26.2 million gold purchase appeared before Magistrate Faith McGusty yesterday at the George-town Magistrate’s Court, where she was charged with the offence of purchasing gold from a person other than the Gold Board or an agent authorized by the Board. 

GWI promises to improve Lima Sands water, pleads for patience
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A day after residents of Lima Sands highlighted water quality and accessibility issues to businessman Azruddin Mohamed, the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) yesterday announced upcoming work to address the high iron content there and pleaded for patience.

U.S. District Judge Amir Ali

Judge will not order Trump administration to restore canceled foreign aid contracts

(Reuters) – A federal judge yesterday declined to order Presi-dent Donald Trump’s administration to restore thousands of foreign aid contracts and grants that have been canceled since the president took office, though he found that the administration must speed up payments of close to $2 billion for already completed work.