A man’s drunken actions cost him a total of $34,500 in fines and compensation yesterday after he pleaded guilty to three charges, including damaging a woman’s windows.
Ethelbert Daniels, 46, did not offer a plea to two additional charges because he said he was unable to remember what he did while under the influence. As a result, not guilty pleas were entered for him.

It was alleged that Daniels, on May 1, in the North West District, unlawfully and maliciously damaged four windowpanes, valued at $12,000, and which was the property of Judy Daniels.
It is further alleged that on the same date, Daniels threw missiles to the annoyance of Judy and called her a name other than her own name.
It was also alleged that he unlawfully assaulted Winston Alleyne.
Finally, it was alleged that on May 4, at Mabaruma Settlement, North West District, he broke and entered the home of Kenneth Durr and stole $3,880.
Ethelbert, a carpenter, pleaded guilty to the charges of breaking and entering charge, throwing missiles and damaging the windowpanes. However, he told Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan that because he was under the influence, he was unable to remember if he assaulted Alleyne or called Judy Daniels a name other than her own name.
The court subsequently entered a not guilty plea on behalf of the defendant for those charges.
According to the prosecutor’s facts, on May 1, Ethelbert, who is known to Judy and Winston, was under the influence of alcohol and began to curse. Winston spoke to the defendant and was dealt a cuff to his face as a result. The prosecutor added that Ethelbert was taken to the side of the house and was told by Judy to calm down but he refused to listen. The defendant then picked up a stick and hit Judy’s windows, damaging them.
Meanwhile, on May 4, Durr’s home was broken into while the occupants were asleep. The occupants were awakened by a noise and discovered a window was broken at the rear of the building. They later found long boots, which they knew belonged to the defendant.
When asked if he had anything to say, Daniels told the court that he was sorry for his actions.
Chief Magistrate McLennan later granted him $5,000 bail for the charges of assault and calling Judy Daniels a name and he will make his next court appearance on May 22, at the Mabaruma Magistrate’s Court.
He was ordered to pay Judy $12,000 for the damaged windowpanes before May 22 and was also fined $15,000 for the breaking and entering charge or in default a sentence of two weeks in jail. He was also fined $7,500 for the throwing missiles charge, with an alternative of two weeks in jail if he cannot pay.