On educating PNC Leaders and loyalists

How to avoid being “Dead Meat” parties

I hereby reminisce briefly about the 1980 to 1992 days when I was part of a small pivotal team contributing to sensitizing and educating (frontline) People’s National Congress (PNC) members about their roles during elections campaigns.

Rigged elections or not, the party was bullish on the mobilisation and preparation of both members and eager supporters who would be the operators, protagonists and visible “face” of actual campaigning. Whether through conceptualizing, providing technical skills or speaking at local meetings or mass rallies.

I helped – after succeeding Victor Forsythe – to fashion speakers’ briefs and other daily advisories meant to promote unified messages through effective, grassroots communication. I even managed to experience “unfortunate humour” when advice was followed – like not to deface property or objects people held in some esteem – until the final week of many a campaign. From the home turf of the already-converted and loyal to hostile “enemy” territory however, the enthusiastic comrades always managed non-violent aggression and strategies.

All that changed after Janet Jagan won the ’97 elections after Cheddi died. I had also had cause to leave PNC activist status for various reasons, around that year.

Those memories flashed through my (political?) psyche as I mingled very briefly with (PNC) APNU/AFC supporters outside the Public Buildings on the afternoon of last Friday’s No-Confidence Motion and vote. Why? Because the words, activities and motions of the rank-and–file comrades suggested support and loyalty compromised by ignorance, even vulgarity.


Being rational in aggression

It’s one thing to be enthusiastic, vocal and dramatic in your demonstration of extreme support for your (PNC) party. Even with your gyrations to drumming (?). But it’s another matter to be threatening to those who support an opposing group.

Last Friday afternoon, it was obvious that the PNC “comrades” were influenced to demonstrate that all the space outside the Assembly – perhaps all Georgetown – belonged exclusively to them. (I could even distinguish the AFC’s from the PNC’s!)

I submit that PNC organisers and managers of demonstrations of support – or protests – should be taught to caution and curb some types of over-enthusiastic supporters.

I suppose the over-zealous and more “youthful” of the PNC are naturally demonstrative – given to loudness, strong speech and gestures – and a physical characteristic easily transformed into intimidatory aggression. That plays well to its own base of converts. But not to the opponents of interested “neutrals”. So my erstwhile PNC “comrades”, teach your dancing flouncing supporters to be rational. The implications of violent behaviour are many. The international community – oil interests and all – will be in full scrutiny – Britain, America, Canada. Frankly speaking, the Chinese won’t care who “wins” or “loses” but Western donors might be a bit more choosy. More to come.


The powerful role of judges

They gained law degrees, admission to Bars; then were appointed judges. As Guyana submits to the Rule-of-Law, they are powerful and grand arbiters of what’s legally right and acceptable. Says who? They say so! And they can take all the time they need – to decide – apparently. Because their findings must/should be sound, fair to all sides of a contention.

Have you been seeing/hearing how our highest local court has been reviewing many substantial sentences handed down by a particular judge? He has built up a reputation for dispensing post-conviction justice through harsh, lengthy jail time. Now numerous rapists and murderers are appealing for shorter stays after being found guilty. And our highest judges seem to be listening favourably. What will follow?

Well, being a lawful society, our esteemed judges are called upon to arbitrate on legal contention; on almost every element of daily life – land disputes, civil rights, criminal offences, marriages, election petitions, cost of CARICOM imports. You name it!

Will the no-confidence vote now be litigated? If so, will the judges need more than three months? Can the Attorney General, the Chancellor or Chief Justice “hurry up” any decision as directed by the Constitution? Discuss…


“Dead, fresh meat”swallowed up?

Veteran foxy political animal Hammie Green got it right. The smaller political Third-Force parties have to operationalize their intelligence about their members, their support, their assumed status and longevity.

It’s natural, even reasonable for the larger political entity to negotiate the level of “standing” which is commensurate with the level of votes, seats or influence the smaller group brings to the coalition table. It would never be merely about intellectual or conceptual contributions alone.

Frankly Speaking, if the members of the smaller entity are all about power and benefits that party will always be absorbed – willingly. So apart from the final demise of the AFC, just how will our new third-force parties fare? You all believe that voters will grant them any balance-of-power influence? As oil and gas beckons? Discuss…


Year-end consideration…

1) I am impressed – periodically – by how the remnant WPA takes itself seriously. Does that think- tank have 100 real members?

2) What were the primary considerations on the minds of government MP’s when they realized what the gentleman’s vote meant?

3) The Americans now have added reasons to support us – against Venezuela.

4) All the political pandits, priests and moulvis must pray for improved health for His Excellency, his Prime Minister, the GECOM Chairman and the Minister of Public Health herself – a self-avowed cancer –warrior.

5) Give thanks! Our bing-bang-boom-out Miner-Minister Comrade Simona related: “The member was allowed to execute his rights in peace and confidence…We allowed the gentleman to leave the Parliament to go well”. (???)

6) “Conscience” has to do with “one’s consciousness of the moral, right and wrong of one’s own acts or motives”. Related are honour, faith, integrity. Who’s to judge?

7) My 2019 prognostications: (1) If elections results don’t go a certain way, there will be oil-and-gas upheaval! (2) Dr Jagdeo will not marry anyone in 2019!

’Til next week!

([email protected])