No-cook long weekends

Add potatoes for Chicken-Potato Salad (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)
Add potatoes for Chicken-Potato Salad (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

When long holiday weekends like this one loom, I start planning during the week for a lazy, no-cook weekend. I would dedicate one day to prep and cook so the rest of the weekend, I am chilling, relaxing, and doing what I want to do – nothing!

It is not just about not having to cook but also being free to come and go as you please and knowing that there is food already cooked at home. I like to do a variety of things so that I can mix and match options; that there is variety in my food and drink.

What about you? Is this something you do?

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Here are some options for this four-day Crop Over, Emancipation weekend.

One-pot dishes are perfect on these occasions – Cook-up rice or Pelau. With these dishes you have meats, rice, peas/beans, and you can also have vegetables cooked into the dishes. Of course, Metemgee and Soup can also be considered.

One-dish bakes such as a Tuna-pasta bake, Chicken-pasta bake, and Lasagna are not only filling and comforting but go well with a quick green salad on the side. Casseroles are another type of one-dish bake which can comprise a variety of meats, seafood, vegetables, peas, and beans.It is only July but a pot of Pepperpot is good all year round so that is most definitely a one-pot cook that you should consider.

I like to make a variety of spreads and dips that can be used to make sandwiches or to accompany crisps such as Plantain or Tortilla chips, or crackers (biscuits). Among my go-tos are tuna paste, corn beef paste, chicken liver pâté, cheese paste, egg-cheese paste and hummus. Note here how easy and friendly canned items are; eggs and chicken liver cook up in no time.Roasts (meats and poultry) are also great because they can be eaten in a variety of ways and be cut up for sandwiches, salads or into small bites. Actually, you can even chop up some of the meats, add a little mayo, mustard, hot pepper sauce and blend it all in a food processor and you have a meat spread.

Potato salad made and sorted into individual serving containers is a meal by itself. I like to make some plain potato salad which I can eat as is or top with boiled eggs or with roast meats. Then I make a batch to which I add chicken, making it into chicken-potato salad. So good!

There are certain sides that can be used in a variety of ways that are good to have at any time, such as Pico de Gallo and Chimichurri. These are no-cook sides which make for quick and easy

preparation. Top eggs cooked in a variety of ways with either of these, eat them with grilled meats or seafood, roasts, chops, or as a layer in your sandwich.

For something sweet, I always like to think of something that you can have in more than one preparation. A pound cake or Guyanese-style sponge fits the bill. You can eat it as is with a hot or cold beverage; top it with macerated fruit or custard (crème anglaise) or make a trifle. See? Options with one cake.

With all the eating, we cannot neglect some drinks. A jug of your own combination of fruits or fruit juices made into a fruit punch.

Make it without alcohol so that it can be enjoyed both ways – as an alcoholic drink with your favourite rum stirred in or non-alcoholic for those who are looking for a rich, cold, fruity drink.

There are, of course, some things such as fish cakes, boil ‘n fry Channa and boiled corn that can be made ahead for snacking if you feel peckish but not hungry enough for a full meal.

It’s a long weekend, make the time to enjoy it any way you like. If you plan to entertain, consider how much you can prep and make ahead so that you are not stuck in the kitchen while everyone else is chilling and enjoying themselves. Emancipate yourself.
