By Subhana Shiwmangal
A 31-year-old security guard was stabbed to death yesterday morning at her Sophia home and her reputed husband has been held.
A police report stated that Lisa George of Lot 604 ‘C’ Field, Sophia, Georgetown was stabbed 22 times. Meshack Douglas, a 23-year-old security guard of Charlestown, Georgetown was arrested shortly after and two knives were recovered from the scene.
Enquiries revealed that George wanted to end the relationship she shared with the suspect for the past seven months due to ongoing issues.

Lisa George’s sister, Lovern George, who lives in the apartment above her sister, was alerted by the screams and rushed over, accompanied by her husband. The two ran into the bedroom and disarmed Douglas.
Emergency medical technicians from the Alberttown Fire Station responded to the scene and pronounced Lisa George dead. Crime scene ranks who also attended the scene found Lisa George on her back on the bed, clad only in underwear. Upon examination of her body they discovered twenty-two stab wounds on the victim’s left arm and shoulder, right shoulder, chest, abdomen, left leg, neck and chin. They also recovered two knives.
When Stabroek News spoke with the victim’s brother-in-law, Akeem Benjamin, via telephone, he recalled that sometime around 11 pm on Tuesday his reputed wife, Lovern, left him outside and went to bed. A couple of minutes after, he heard Lisa George who lived in the apartment downstairs with the suspect and her two children, shouting at Douglas. After that he did not hear any other noise and went inside to sleep.
Then at about 2:22 am yesterday he was awakened by Lovern and heard his sister-in-law screaming for help. They both ran over to Lisa George’s apartment to find out what was going on. Lovern was trying to break the windows to get in and he was banging on the door. Finally, Lisa’s son opened the back door for him. They then rushed into the bedroom where they found her sitting up on the bed, holding Douglas’ hands that contained a knife.
Benjamin added that he then wrestled with him and took away the knife. Meanwhile, he said, Lovern was trying to stem Lisa George’s bleeding and all the while she was saying to them, “Call the ambulance for me and call my child father.”
The man recalled that while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, his sister-in-law was still talking to them saying, “Call the ambulance for me and call my child father because me ain’t getting fuh breathe.”
At this point, he said, Lovern decided to open her sister’s mouth and blow into it in an effort to help her breathe. Lisa George, he related, “jumped up” and said, “I nah gon make it, I gon dead, I gon dead,” then she died.
Benjamin confirmed that her sister-in-law suffered multiple stab wounds about her body.
He told this newspaper that the couple were together for about seven months and at one time Lisa had put him out of her home, but took him back later. He also recalled his wife telling him that the suspect had threatened her sister before.
Both George and Douglas worked as security guards at Atlas Security Company.