Banks sorrel shandy scarce

Banks DIH’s sorrel shandy is in short supply at a time when it is usually in great demand.

Stabroek News yesterday visited various stores and street vendors in search of the sorrel shandy but none could be found. Twelve locations along Regent and Robb streets were checked.  Some of the operators stated that Banks DIH had a shortage and hasn’t supplied them with the beverage recently.

Stabroek News spoke with an employee of Narine’s Liquor Store on Robb Street who stated that they didn’t receive sorrel shandy and that they believed Banks had a shortage of the beverage. Over at the Guyana Shop, the manager there stated that they hadn’t received shandy in the last two months.

In light of this, Stabroek News visited Banks DIH at Thirst Park for answers but was unable to elicit any as the relevant persons were not present.

Of all the places checked only one had sorrel shandy. The  Chinese supermarket,  Real Value  on Church Street had ice-cold sorrel shandy but it was Carib’s.