CASH Renovation: Two years and $351m later, is it worth the time and money?

Glimpses of what the upgraded Cliff Anderson Sports Hall looks like.
While it is not fully complete, it is expected to be finished in the coming
weeks with minor works to be done.  (Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport photos)
Glimpses of what the upgraded Cliff Anderson Sports Hall looks like. While it is not fully complete, it is expected to be finished in the coming weeks with minor works to be done. (Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport photos)

Sports Desk comment

The Cliff Anderson Sports Hall (CASH), an iconic figure of Guyana’s sports infrastructure landscape, has undergone a lengthy and costly renovation process. While it has not been formally opened, and there are certain facets of the facility that are yet to be completed, it has hosted two events over the last week, the ongoing Kashif & Shanghai Futsal competition on Christmas night and the Elton Dharry/Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) Pro-Am Card last night.

With the first phase of the renovation contract awarded in November of 2022, the project promised a modernized facility that could host international events, but questions linger about the delays, missed deadlines, and escalated costs.

In a Kaieteur News Sports article dated December 6, 2022, Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport, Charles Ramson Jr. had said that  “$97M covers only the first phase of the rehabilitation project”. Other sectors of the renovation were put to tender, as Kaieteur News reported; “the Ministry had also invited bids for the repair of the main roof which is estimated to cost $12.5M, electrical installation works which is estimated to cost $37.9M and the heating, ventilation and, air conditioning (HVAC) installation works, estimated to cost $74.2M”.