How they go free
(In honour of the late SN columnist Arthur Allan Fenty, who authored a column on Fridays in this newspaper for 30 years, Stabroek News will be running some of his earliest contributions.
(In honour of the late SN columnist Arthur Allan Fenty, who authored a column on Fridays in this newspaper for 30 years, Stabroek News will be running some of his earliest contributions.
(In tribute to the late columnist Allan Fenty, Stabroek News will be running some of his earlier columns in his regular Friday slot.
(Taken from the January 29th, 1993 edition of Stabroek News) (In honour of the late SN columnist Arthur Allan Fenty, who authored a column on Fridays in this newspaper for 30 years, Stabroek News will be running some of his earliest contributions.
Believe me friend, today’s offering does not represent journalistic laziness. It is deliberate repetition of a recent issue and its treatment.
Concerning Letitia’s hairdo… Please tolerate my brevity today. Twenty-seven (27) years ago I was genuinely proud to publish – with Police Commissioner Laurie Lewis’ collaboration – a crime prevention hand book for laymen/citizens.
Church-going – where “The Church” must go How more personal could I get in this space today?
A PNC budget vs a “disposable-income” budget “How are you?” Who cares?
Thanking female teachers, nurses As 2022 ended, then onwards into this still “new” year, the world’s media, which, seemingly, revels in bad, very bad, news, transmitted global death and destruction to all who bother.
What’s your “planet”? January Girls Welcome to this first brief offering for a still new year within this month that will mark thirty (30) years of this man-in-the-street column.
Guyanese Americans – Documented and naturalised On this last 2022 weekend – the cusp of a brand new year in our part of the world it is almost natural to ponder, wonder, cogitate, speculate, be curious as to what that imminent period, 2023, will present to us as a nation.
First consider these two relatively–opposing points: compared to many other portions of our planet our Guyana enjoys actual prolonged peace; and do you realise many – too many – opposition politicians – along with many letter-writing surrogates/critics – would experience serious mental trauma if prolonged peace and consistent development offered them no reason to be critical, to oppose or to ‘buse?
But why 25th December? Defined simply, basically, morality has to do with the sense of what is right, beneficial for an individual or a society as a whole.
Trouble!? With Christmas? At Christmas time? Seriously? Yes! You see friends, frankly speaking, this “season” is tailor-made to evoke and evince both the good and the worst in too many of us.
Football – the beautiful game- For Christmas Saint Luke, Chapter Two and its numerous verses tell of what Christians refer to as the Nativity – the story of the birth of the Christ Child.
Our world today – gender – re-assigning Upfront let me record my solid position as a government pensioner frequently creating assignments to assist paying monthly bills from time to time: public servants’ basic salaries should have been increased by fifteen (15%) percent, if not higher!
Three months of the Christ-Mass? Frankly speaking I’m quite aware that any discussion surrounding the overall socio-economic success of one ethnic group in this challenged land of ours might breed some internal ill-will – or open rancour.
The police force, beef and chickenPerhaps the very final and conclusive results of this Tuesday’s American mid-term elections are not yet fully computed and completed as yet.
Nature’s fury adds to man’s inhumanity It was relatively easy for a one-time national election “animal” like me to become engrossed with the electoral goings–on – just past or current.
The British Visa under the Brigadier These days – at my age and stage – I would always prefer to be considered as pro-truth and pro-fact, rather than pro-PPP, or pro-PNC, or pro- any other political outfit.
Loving and paying for pets Just recently I was influenced to repeat a story once narrated to me because of a quite similar tale shared. Both similar stories provoked thoughts even debate, with regard to human nature accepting – or rejecting – the morality of former criminals, convicts, crooked politicians or evil fraudsters changing their former lives of mischief to become upright “exemplary” citizens.
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