Christopher Ram

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Articles by Christopher Ram

Local Content – Embracing our national interest

Today’s column returns to the issue of Local Content Policy (LCP) which appears either to have been drowned out by the excitement of First Oil or in which interest seems to have ebbed – a pattern since the Local Content was first raised in the aftermath of the disclosure of the signing of the 2016 Petroleum Agreement.

Local Content in two words – First Consideration

Part 79   Introduction The word is now out that long before the earlier planned date of First Oil, Guyana will witness the historic pouring of the first barrel of crude oil catapulting the small country of barely three-quarter million persons onto the world’s petroleum stage.

ExxonMobil’s Road Show

Introduction Two weeks ago in Toronto, Canada, the organisation Caribbean Council of the Americas (CCA) in a public advertisement invited the Guyanese community and “other interested parties in the greater Toronto area to learn about all and gas exploration and development in Guyana.”

Landlordism in the Oil and Gas sector (Continued)

Introduction Following up on last week’s column we have set out below a Table summarizing the Profit and Loss Statement of Mid-Atlantic for each of the years 2013 (part-year) to 2018 extracted from the company’s audited financial statements lodged with the Commercial Registry, a statutory obligation under the Companies Act.

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