Christopher Ram

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Articles by Christopher Ram

Every Man, Woman and Child Must Become Oil-Minded (Part 62)

Introduction During the recently-concluded United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA, the Guyana Delegation led by Foreign Minister Carl Greenidge facilitated a meeting between the Governor of the Bank of Guyana and representatives of Merrill Lynch, the investment arm of the Bank of America Corporation which had expressed an interest in Guyana’s proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund.

The saga of the audit creates more confusion

Introduction In an advertisement appearing in the national media yesterday, the Ministry of Natural Resources, on its own behalf and that of the Government of Guyana, invited expressions of interest by Consultants desirous of providing services to the Project Execution Unit, presumably of the Ministry, to “conduct an audit of the Recoverable Contract Costs as called for in the signed Production Sharing Contract(s).”

Government of Guyana Green Paper on Sovereign Wealth Fund

Introduction It has been over one month since the Ministry of Finance tabled in the National Assembly a fifty-one page document which it claims presents “preliminary proposals” to stimulate discussion on its plan for managing the flows from petroleum operations following first oil estimated to flow by the end of the first quarter of 2020.

Clive Thomas’ Cash Payments

Introduction Recall that Column # 54 published in this column last week cited two Emancipation Day speeches, one from President Granger which was discussed at some length in the same column.

Getting the work done

  Introduction Surprise would be a mild word to describe the reaction of many Guyanese to the report by Minister of State Joseph Harmon that President Granger had appointed Dr.

Every Man, Woman and Child Must Become Oil-Minded (Part 50)

Introduction Inspired by the May 20, 2015 announcement by ExxonMobil that it had made the largest discovery of petroleum resources for that year off the coast of Guyana, this column with the title Road to First Oil began, coincidentally, on May 26, 2017 and was expected to run for approximately twenty-five weeks.

Time to think of a Sovereign Wealth Fund for Guyana

  Introduction Column 40 noted that in practice, any Sovereign Wealth Fund for Guyana has to take a whole host of factors into account, including the country’s recurring deficits which are financed by loans; the deficit in its infrastructure; future revenue gains and losses; commodity prices including that of oil; and citizens’ rising expectations.

The 2016 Agreement and the Environment (Continued)

Introduction This column turns attention to the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Liza Phase 1 Develop-ment Project done by Environmental Resources Management (ERM) an external consultancy firm which describes itself as is a leading global provider of environmental, health, safety, risk, social consulting services and sustainability related services.


Part 43   One feature of the Esso/Hess/CNOOC 2016 Agreement – as indeed the 1999 Esso Agreement signed by President Janet Jagan – which has received little public attention is Gas which is addressed in Article 12 of both Agreements.

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