David Granger

About David Granger



Articles by David Granger

Crime and business in Guyana

The following is a minimally edited address to the 2The surge in crime in Guyana started at the dawn of the new millennium– coinciding with the implantation of the transnational trade in illicit narcotics.

Stuffed suitcase

Law and order…

The failure of Guyana’s National Drug Strategy Master Plan Guyana’s National Drug Strategy Master Plan 2005-2009 has expired.

Victoria’s 170th Anniversary Exhibiton of Illustrations and Publications


The rise of Victoria – mother of all villages Victoria Village, the first village to be founded on Guyana’s coastland, celebrated the 170th anniversary of its purchase in November.

Operation Climax (Artist’s impression by Barrington Braithwaite)

The defence of the New River, 1967-1969

Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary General, famously remarked a decade ago “You can do a lot with diplomacy but, of course, you can do a lot more with diplomacy backed up by fairness and force.”

The GDF Task Force lands in the Rupununi (an artist’s impression  by Barrington Braithwaite)

The Rupununi Rebellion, 1969

The rebellion that erupted forty years ago on Thursday, January 2, in the Rupununi District has been the single most serious threat to the national security and territorial integrity of the state.

Militiamen on weapon training while blindfolded

The Guyana People’s Militia

As Dave Martins’s popular, patriotic ballad “Not A Blade of Grass” pervaded the airwaves to find acceptance as Guyana’s second national anthem,  the sonorous slogan “Every Citizen a Soldier” signalled the establishment of the Guyana People’s Militia in December 1976.

Pet Corner

Vaccination schedulesOne can extract from last week’s Pet Corner that there is no correct vaccination protocol.

Not just spit and polish

Retraining the police

By David Granger Onlookers at the Guyana Police Force’s169th anniversary parade last July must have been astonished at the sight of some Britishers in typical beachcombers’ gear marching amidst their differently attired Guyanese counterparts.


Shridath Ramphal and the art of diplomacyRichard Bourne (ed) Shridath Ramphal: The Commonwealth and the World.

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