Dr Clive Thomas

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Articles by Dr Clive Thomas

Americas fastest growing Petrostate, multi-dimensional poverty and hopeful signals for addressing poverty

Introduction Today’s column introduces multi-dimensional measures of poverty in Guyana. I share the view that the best starting point for this topic, is through an introduction of the United Nations Human Development Report, UN, HDR and its Index HDI As the UNDP states, the HDI is a “summary measure for assessing long-term progress in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.

Guyana’s ruling PSA: Government Take, recoverable resources and window for crude oil export

Introduction In today’s column I recap the gist of those earlier columns that were directed at taking stock of the prevailing condition of three key parameters facing Guyana’s oil and gas sector, on the eve of the planned switch away from the fiscal metrics of the Stabroek Block PSA, to the new fiscal template scheduled for implementing at intended public auctions.

Re-capping on Guyana’s proposed public auctions of its petroleum exploration and development rights: Auctions redux

Introduction Except, perhaps for the case of my similarly long series of columns dealing with the Buxton Proposal on direct cash transfers to the poor, I have never received so many requests to re-cap a series in order to aid comprehension of the many new concepts introduced in my presentation on an individual topic, as in the case of my discussion of the treatment of the planned public auctions of oil and gas rights.

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