Errol Tiwari

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Articles by Errol Tiwari

Taffin Khan

Blunder saw Taffin Khan lose to Honduras opponent

The game between Nahun Gavarrete, of Honduras, and Guyana’s Taffin Khan at the International Chess Federation’s 2020 Online Chess Olympiad last month sizzled with known theory until Khan committed a horrendous blunder and resigned in frustration.

Maria Varona-Thomas

Defeat of Bahamas was boost for Guyana

When Guyana defeated the Bahamas 6-0 at last month’s 2020 International Chess Federation Online Olympiad, it signalled a boost in chess for our nation although we failed to proceed to a further qualifying round.

Guyana’s top player at the 2020 FIDE Online Olympiad Wendell Meusa. Meusa shared the two top boards for Guyana and demonstrated he was an elite contender by winning all five of his games.

Meusa showed his mettle

Meusa, a Guyanese national chess player, toppled emerging giants from Nicaragua, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Aruba, and Trinidad and Tobago to win his five games in the virtual World Chess Federation (FIDE) 2020 Chess Olympiad. 

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