Errol Tiwari

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Articles by Errol Tiwari

According to the latest update in the Canadian Chess Championship, FIDE Master (FM ) Raja Panjwwani, rated 2418, is among the leaders of the tournament with a 4-0 score. Raja is the top player on the University of Western Ontario chess team, the current champion of the Canadian University Chess Championships. At the championship, Raja scored 4/5 on top board, yielding only two draws. In photo he faces grandmaster Anton Kovalyov from Argentina.


Preparing for the national championshipsWendell Muesa has won his third chess tournament for the year following his victory in the Sasha Cells eight-round swiss tournament.


The Sasha Cells is under wayThe Sasha Cells eight-round swiss tournament began last Sunday at the Kei-Shar’s Sports Club, and four rounds have been completed so far.

When one thinks of international chess, it is unlikely that one would think of Scotland. Yet chess there boasts a lengthy history which dates back to mediaeval times. The Lewis chessmen, the oldest in Europe, and perhaps the oldest in the world, were found near Uig on Lewis in the early 19th century. The origin of the pieces is unknown, but scholars believe they were made in Norway around 1200 and were intended for use in Ireland. Today, some of the pieces (in photo) are on display at the National Museum in Scotland, and the remainder (the majority) in the British Museum. From time to time, grandmasters and chess players alike, visit one or other museum to have a look, and especially to examine the fine craftsmanship of the pieces.

Kamsky v Nisipeanu

Chess The two positions below occurred at the Bazna invitational tournament in which six of the world’s top grandmasters participated.

The local hero of the Chess Society of Bucharest’s grandmaster tournament, Liviu Dieter Nisipeanu. He is Romania’s highest ranked, and highest-rated player ever at 2675. Here Nisipeanu is welcomed by Romanian chess officials as he enters the tournament hall to participate in the elite double round-robin tournament which began on June 14 and ends on June 25. 


Gelfand v Nisipeanu The Chess Society of Bucharest is staging a double round–robin tournament from June 14-25 in Bazna, featuring six of the finest chess players who are currently active on the international circuit.


A player to watchWendell Meusa, a 21-year-old Guyanese who has been living in Barbados for ten years, and who recently returned to Guyana, gave an impressive display of chess talent during last Sunday’s one day rapid tournament that was held at the YMCA.


Nine-round rapid chess tournament  today Chess has entered a new era in its development.

Chess with Errol Tiwari

A chess exchange programme may be possible The impromptu visit of German grandmaster Rainer Buhmann to Guyana has deepened the conviction held by local chess players that for sure, the oldest game known to man is on the rise, and that in time, we may yet present our country as a global player on the international stage.

On Thursday evening, German grandmaster Rainer Buhmann delivered a chess lecture at the Foreign Service Institute for students and adult chess players. The grandmaster engaged participants in a lively discussion about chess, after which there was a vibrant question and answer session. At right of the photo above is Sheriffa Ali, tournament player. Next to her is Guyana’s junior chess champion, Taffin Khan.


Grandmaster Buhmann  introduced some fresh ideasThe Guyana Chess Federa-tion (GCF) does not have the magical crystal ball to predict exactly the future for chess in Guyana, but what it sees gives us hope for the upliftment of the game.


Grandmaster’s visit Conventional wisdom holds that if we help ourselves, someone who matters will help us. 

The annual Kei-Shar’s sponsored chess tournament is currently being contested at the Kei-Shar’s Sports Club on Hadfield St. After three rounds of the eight round swiss system tournament, National Champion Kriskal Persaud and Dennis Dillon share the lead with the maximum three points. The highlight of last Sunday’s play was the clash between Persaud and Taffin Khan, Guyana’s junior chess champion. The two champions met previously during the DDL Topco Juice Mashramani chess tournament when Taffin overwhelmed his opponent with a series of good moves. This time, however, Kriskal played less exuberantly and kept a clear head to win the game and take the full point. Dillon, on the other hand, played impressively to defeat Webster and his other opponents. The three final rounds of the tournament will be played today at the Kei-shar’s Sports Club.


All should be involved in making chess a national pastime The momentum for the recognition of chess in Guyana has been rising steadily over the past months much to the appreciation of members of the federation.

David Khan and Kenrick Braithwaite concentrate on their game last Sunday at the beginning of the Topco Juice Mashramani tournament hosted by the Guyana Chess Federation. The tournament is sponsored exclusively by Demerara Distillers Limited under the Topco Juice brand. At the end of three rounds, National champion Kriskal Persaud is leading among the seniors and Khalid Gajraj among the juniors. The remaining four rounds to conclude the tournament will be played on Sunday, March 1.


Kamsky v Topalov The FIDE Candidates’ qualifying match to determine a challenger for world champion Vishy Anand between Bulgaria’s Veselin Topalov and the USA’s Gata Kamsky is under way.


Iturrizaga v Giri Here is the game with which Anish captured his final grandmaster norm.

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