Iana Seales

About Iana Seales



Articles by Iana Seales

Planning for the future of work

The challenge facing most young people today is “planning for the future” in terms of their job stability – whether they are already gainfully employed, or whether they are now seeking to enter the workforce.

We are all fair game

Continuing its recent attacks on the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom), the PPP is currently waging a public campaign against the recent hiring of Richard Francois as the commission’s Public Relations Officer (PRO).

Trivialising rape

Last month, a young woman came forward to share a horrific report of being drugged then brutally raped by three men at a business in Mahdia where she had worked.

Enemy of the state

This week, I found myself reflecting on my journalistic career and the toxic nature of the relationship that develops between the independent press in Guyana and our government, particularly within the last few years of the PPP/C’s scandal-filled management of the state.

Helping our mentally ill

With little or no comment, persons with mental illnesses are being fed into our badly overcrowded prison system and health authorities appear to be making no attempt to correct this situation.

Lessons from Ferguson

Ferguson, Missouri’s response to the shooting of teenager Michael Brown mirrors a similar narrative that unfolded here when three unarmed protestors were gunned down at Linden just over two years ago.

Rising up in consciousness

A year ago, I sat at a lecture, organised by the Cuffy 250 Committee, where a series of questions about the state of African Guyanese communities were raised.

A major distraction

Within a relatively short time, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and its messy internal politics have become a major distraction in the country, which is an unfortunate development at a time of popular dissatisfaction with government.

Reparations are owed

It has been over a century and a half since slavery was abolished in the Caribbean, but the wide-ranging consequences of one of the most oppressive and intolerable institutions in human history continue to shape life in the region.

The inequality of life

Killed on a city street in our capital while committing a robbery earlier this week, Kevin Fields achieved the kind of notoriety in death that he seemed determined to attain during his young life.

The right to equality

The issue of gay equality remains unresolved and contentious here despite the vigorous efforts of activists and supporters to promote a more open and equal society.

The gay agenda

Last month, I travelled to Buxton to stand in solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community as they protested the detention of a 15-year-old who was locked up following a fracas in which he was booked by police as both aggressor and the victim.

Freedom to discriminate

The following is a guest column addressing LGBT rights in light of recent public statements: Two weeks ago, the Vice-Chairman of the Inter-Religious Organisation (IRO), Pastor Ronald McGarrell, went on the radio and shared his view that homosexuals should live on island by themselves in order to spare heterosexuals God’s wrath.

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