Kwesi Isles

About Kwesi Isles



Articles by Kwesi Isles

There’s a waterway somewhere beneath the overgrowth.

Coldingen Industrial Site limping along 12 years on

-some businesses thriving, many lots empty The Coldingen Industrial Estate on the East Coast Demerara is limping along more than a dozen years after being opened and having never truly achieved its intended objective as a bustling business hub.

 Colin Bynoe

GTU wants adequate compensation for live-in teachers – Bynoe

-Housing fund details still being worked on President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union Colin Bynoe says the union will be looking to ensure boarding school teachers who live in are properly compensated under the new wage deal to be discussed with government to replace the 2006-2010 wage package agreement.

Yog Mahadeo

Emagine Broadband attracting interest from universities

-more bandwidth going to security firms, call centres The introduction of GT&T’s Emagine Broadband is attracting interest from several overseas entities including universities looking to extend their online programmes to Guyana, the company’s CEO Yog Mahadeo says.

Trainers being sought for one laptop per family project

The Office of the President (OP) has begun advertising for ICT trainers to fill positions on the US$30 million One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) project as the government aims for a year-end roll out, which will see the instruments eventually given to some 90,000 families.

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