He is not called “Mr Fete” by chance and on Saturday night last, Machel Montano demonstrated to Guyanese that there is an artiste who can give an over three hours of energy-laced dynamic performance stopping only because of his tired and soaked fans.
Minister in the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill yesterday defended the system used to award government contracts, saying it is open, transparent and with no preferential treatment given to friends of the party in government.
Four stores in three buildings on the northern side of Regent Street between Camp and Alexander streets were gutted by fire yesterday morning leaving millions of dollars in damage and the owner of one them collapsed at the scene and was later pronounced dead at the hospital.
The acting Chief Medical Officer has said that findings on some of the maternal deaths this year have indicated that there was laxity on the part of doctors as patients were not managed according to protocol.
With the West Demerara Regional Hospital being the only public facility providing basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC), a new report recommends the upgrade of government-run hospitals performing deliveries in order to boost maternal and newborn care.
A few hours after bidding his relatives goodbye and boarding a vessel to collect lumber up the Demerara River, a Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara (WBD) man is suspected to have been brutally killed by a mate aboard the tug and his body dumped into the river.
The Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) has recorded, what many believe is a staggering number of maternal and infant deaths for the year so far, but Minister of Health Dr Bheri Ramsarran said the figures are not alarming as they are on par with last year’s and consideration should be given to the fact that it is the country’s only public referral facility, which receives the high-risk and critical cases.
Guyana’s Attorney General and the Director of Public Prosecutions are among senior legal officials who have rejected a suggestion by Senior Counsel, Ralph Ramkarran that jury trials should be abolished.
The five men held in connection with Sunday’s Pomeroon River pirate attack have been released on station bail pending advice on possible charges from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
Story and photo by Marcelle Thomas
A horrific smash-up yesterday afternoon involving two Route 42 minibuses, at Coverden, East Bank Demerara (EBD) has left three residents of Kuru-Kururu in critical condition, while several others sustained minor injuries.
The baby girl born to Chitrawattie Ramjiwan, the 20-year-old woman who died in transit from the Fort Wellington Hospital to the New Amsterdam Hospital following delivery complications, succumbed on Monday evening at the Georgetown Public Hospital where she was being kept for observation.
Regarded as the best local sculptor of his time, the body of Philip Moore was yesterday interred at Auchlyne, Corentyne after stirring tributes and pledges to ensure he is finally laid to rest at Seven Ponds, Place of Heroes in the city.
Government yesterday declared zero tolerance for illegal mining and for the corrupt processing of documents for non-nationals, informing that from now all middlemen and brokers have been eliminated.
Renowned artist and sculptor Phillip Moore, famous for the towering 1763 monument at the Square of the Revolution, died yesterday at his Lancaster, Berbice home in his sleep.
The police are investigating Wednesday night’s shooting incident in Sophia, where a mother of nine collapsed and died shortly after police ranks fired several shots in an open area where residents were present.
Even as 80 newly-trained health care professionals from the Technical Division of Health Sciences Education prepare to embark on a new career path, they and their coordinators are calling for an increase in the $5,000 a month stipend for trainees.
The Agricola family, which lost its fence and front stairway on Sunday afternoon after a car careened off road and slammed into it, is asking who will pay for the damages since the driver has signalled reluctance.
The dentist who extracted the tooth of a man, who later died at the Georgetown Public Hospital of haemorrhaging and a blot clot in the brain, believes his life could have been saved if he had seen a specialist while admitted to the facility.
Although she was allegedly beaten unconscious with a hammer by her partner, Eurika Garraway yesterday said that she still loves him, still believes he will change and that she will stand by his side.