Mark McGowan

About Mark McGowan



Articles by Mark McGowan

Alvin Kallicharran

Five for Fifty

Few things seem capable of evoking such strong emotions in Guyanese as the West Indies cricket team.

Way to be cleared for debate on President’s benefits

APNU member Desmond Trotman will be moving to withdraw his court challenge of the controversial Former President’s (Benefits and Other Facilities) Act so as to pave way for the smooth flow of an APNU motion in parliament to repeal the legislation.

GINA and NCN officials in Parliament yesterday. Mohammed Sattaur of NCN is third from right and Neaz Subhan of GINA is at right.

NCN will reorganize -Sattaur

Despite losing almost its entire $81M subvention to opposition cuts yesterday, CEO of the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN) Mohammed ‘Fuzzy’ Sattaur says the company will continue to fulfill its mandate of educating citizens on government’s developmental programme.

Opposition Leader David Granger delivering his budget presentation yesterday.

APNU won’t support budget in present form – Granger

While labelling this year’s national budget as one that is “badly out-of-touch” with the needs and conditions of Guyanese, Opposition Leader David Granger yesterday stated that the main opposition APNU will not be supporting it in its present form.

Gov’t in ‘uncharted’ waters – Singh

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh says the government is in “in completely uncharted territory” after the opposition delayed the approval of supplementary budget allocations over concerns about the legality of some spending.

Peter Ramsaroop

Hamilton says ex-opposition backers netted votes for PPP/C

Although the PPP/C would have seen its votes dip significantly at the November 28 polls, PNCR-member-turned-PPP/C-supporter Joe Hamilton says it is erroneous to claim that the public endorsement of Donald Ramotar’s candidacy by figures previously associated with the opposition did not result in votes for the incumbent party.

Long-standing defects in electoral laws must be addressed

While describing the hung parliament as presenting a “great opportunity” for Guyana, constitutional expert Haslyn Parris believes that the parties must address long-standing systemic deficiencies in the electoral laws or the country will remain in a quagmire as it relates to proper governance.

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