Miranda La Rose

About Miranda La Rose



Articles by Miranda La Rose

Roberta Clarke

Independent national human rights bodies key to holding state accountable – IACHR President

`Women human rights defenders, particularly, also face stigmatization through public statements intended to make their work seem illegitimate, and to foster a climate of hostility and intolerance among various sectors of society’ National human rights commissions hold the state accountable and should be robust, independent and autonomous, says Roberta Clarke, President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

Religious and social educator Medino Abraham

Social and religious educator Medino Abraham is blueprint for late bloomers

Medino Abraham did not make the grade to attend Santa Rosa Secondary in Santa Rosa Village, Moruca, Region One (Barima/Waini); he attended Santa Rosa Primary Top and completed the Secondary Schools Proficiency Examinations then written by students in the community high school system, but today the 45-year-old religious and social educator is the holder of two university degrees.

Mark Dalgety

Dalgety’s Teas, a journey from corilla bush to the herbal niche

From selling corilla bush for tea in England 25 years ago, founder of Dalgety Teas, Mark Dalgety, 57, now has 36 lines of herbal teas, some eight families of teas, all sold in cities in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria and in some Asian markets as he continues to expands his business globally.  

Mortimer Hope at the 2022 African Telecommunications Union meeting in Lusaka, Zambia

South Africa-based Guyanese telecoms engineering Mortimer Hope touts global connectivity

South Africa-based Guyanese telecommunications engineering specialist Mortimer Hope, 57, has represented his adopted homeland and the continent of Africa in his area of expertise at regional and international forums for more than three decades and is now engaged in a global project to connect the unconnected through the internet by placing unmanned aircraft in the stratosphere.

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