Mosa Telford

About Mosa Telford

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Articles by Mosa Telford

The strike

People who are in the same struggle with their fellow citizens but stand with their oppressors are part of the root of why many people in this country are set to remain in poverty.

No brother’s keeper

Imagine walking through Bourda Market on a bright Sunday morning. The vendors are busy as the customers are selecting from the wide variety.

Bring back shame?

The moral compass evolves with time. Freedom should mean that we are able to always live authentically without restrictions on where we can go or how we express ourselves.

Symptoms of Lil Dubai

Dubai is one of the wealthiest places in the world and since oil was found in Guyana there are those who have been referring to Guyana as Lil Dubai.

Who are the low lives?

There are women in seats of power who sit with men in seats of power and some of those men display anti-women behaviour but some of these women never call them out on their conduct.

What happened to D’Urban Park?

Remember when The Golden Arrowhead flew high at D’Urban Park? Remember the pride many Guyanese felt when 50th Independence anniversary activities were held there?

The Maafa 2023

It was refreshing that no politicians were invited to speak this year at the observance of the African Holocaust Day (Maafa Day) at the Seawall Bandstand.

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