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Articles by oalleyne

Changing the narrative

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed annually on September 10. The day is organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention, endorsed by the World Health Organization and represents a global commitment to focus attention on suicide prevention.

Fay Torres

Making ends meet

As the cost of living continues to rise, women share today, in their own words, how they ensure their families eat; often, women are the ones who have to make ends meet.

Valuing our friendships

(Reprinted from September 10th 2023) Most women value true friendship. I have heard some of us say that we don’t need friends as we have our families.

Journeys to success

Recently I have seen quite a few sisters speak of their journeys to success; whether in education, business or just escaping an abusive relationship.

Choices to be made

“Sometimes it is as if we are going forward and things will be alright and then others I just want to throw in the towel and let us go our separate ways.

Learning on the job

The headline aptly describes motherhood. While it can be considered the most important job in the world, motherhood (or parenting) is mostly learnt on the job.

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