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Articles by oalleyne

GWMO member Amanda Peters stands next to an anti-human trafficking poster she had just placed on a shop door in Mahdia.

Child care agency rescues girl being pimped by mother

A mother waits outside a kayamoo—a crudely-built hut used for prostitution in the interior—as her young daughter is being raped inside; afterwards the mother accepts payment from the perpetrator, who slips away into the darkness of night.

Selwyn Collins

A Conversation with Selwyn Collins

His mother was and remains his life’s anchor; his six sisters and many other women who “guided and nurtured him with kindness and lots of love” to make him evolve into a human being who people are proud to be associated with, have Selwyn Collins’s eternal gratitude.

Ramotar urges army to remain professional at upcoming polls

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Presi-dent Donald Ramotar yesterday called on the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to act professionally at the upcoming May 11th polls and to stay away from politics even as he expressed confidence that the PPP/C would be returned to power and this time with a majority in the National Assembly.

Kojo McPherson Jr

Road carnage continues unabated

The image of the grief-stricken Kojo McPherson Sr as he mourned the sudden and tragic death of his 13-year-old son is one that many cannot erase from their minds.

Yellow Oriole (Icterus nigrogularis) / Georgetown

Kester Clarke: Wildlife hunting with a camera

The acquisition of a high-tech camera is what propelled Kester Clarke into bird and wildlife photography as a hobby, and he now describes it as giving him the thrill a hunter gets except that a hunter is armed with a gun and he is armed with a camera.

Phillip Mozart Thomas

Office of the President statement impacted civil society forum

Despite the Office of the President’s advice to boycott, many persons yesterday turned up at the International Conven-tion Centre to participate in what has been dubbed a civil society summit, even though its organizer admitted that the statement issued late on Tuesday had an effect on the event.

Looking on the positives when life is a struggle

Sometimes life throws things at you that would overwhelm even the most resolute of people, but for a 44-year-old mother of two battling with a sick husband and a salary which cannot purchase food for the family for a month, there is nothing too big that you cannot overcome, once there is life.

AG to appeal after court rules paper committals legally flawed

Attorney General Anil Nandlall plans to appeal a recent ruling by acting Chief Justice Ian Chang that concluded that the paper committals process under the Sexual Offences Act is inconsistent with the constitution because it does not allow accused persons to cross-examine witnesses at the preliminary inquiry stage.

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