Rawle Lucas

About Rawle Lucas



Articles by Rawle Lucas

Stock market off to a slow start

As Guyanese lethargically recovered from the exhausting Christmas and New Year celebrations, so did the trading wheels of the Guyana Stock Exchange (GSE).  

LUCAS STOCK INDEX:  In week three of December 2010, the Lucas Stock Index (LSI) gained 0.41 per cent over trades from the previous week, enabling the index to end the period at 117.25. Trading this week involved the stocks of Banks DIH (DIH), Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), Demerara Tobacco Company (DTC) and Sterling Products Limited (SPL).  DIH recorded no change in its stock price while the stocks of DDL and DTC recorded gains of 2 per cent each and that of SPL registered a loss of 4 per cent.

Where has all the growth gone? (Part II)

Public Procurement Last week, reference was made to the non-creation of the small business bureau as an example of an institutional problem that causes lower returns on the investments of Guyana. 

Where has all the growth gone?

Things like assets, capital, and inventories might be exciting to talk about in the classroom in pursuit of an A grade or in the boardroom of a company to ensure that company profits are heading in the right direction. 

Constrained by a mindset?

Experience As a country with a strong agricultural focus and capacity, Guyana should be making every effort to develop its agro-processing industry. 

LUCAS STOCK INDEX (LSI)  In week four of October 2010, the Lucas Stock Index (LSI) gained an additional 1.55 percent to bring the index to 118.24.  This is after the index had declined by 1.33 percent and 0.9 percent respectively in the first two weeks of the month.  The third week saw a modest increase of 0.15 percent in the index.  Trading for the current week left the stocks of Banks DIH Limited (DIH) about one percent lower than it was a week ago.  Meanwhile, the stock of Demerara Bank Limited (DBL), the only one to show a positive price movement this week, gained nearly 16 percent in value from the previous week.  The substantial movement in the DBL stock price helped the index to record a positive gain for the week and to keep the index above four times that of the risk-free Treasuries with maturity in November 2010.

Service without a smile

Feeling It What does the structure of the Guyana economy tell us about the ability of Guyanese to serve customers and keep a smile? 

The yield and the return

Time Horizon An observation was made about the use of the word “yield” in the narrative of the Lucas Stock Index (LSI) and of the importance of not confusing the concept of the yield with the concept of rate of return on investment. 

The money traders

Normalcy Two decades after the passage of the Dealers in Foreign Currency (Licensing) Act, it is reasonable to inquire of the state of foreign currency trading in Guyana, given the dysfunctional condition of the market before the Act was passed. 

Small business financing is small business

Size and Visibility Now that the work of the small business financing organizations is captured in a single report of the Bank of Guyana, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the impact of their work on the life of their customers and the contribution they make to the Guyana economy as a whole. 

LUCAS STOCK INDEX   In week four of August 2010, the Lucas Stock Index declined by 1.71 percent to end the week at 115.16.  The loss in value of the index resulted from declines in the price of two of the three stocks that were active during the week.  While the stock price of DIH remained stable, the price of the shares of Demerara Bank Limited (DBL) and Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) declined.  The price of the DBL stock fell by nearly 12 percent from its previous close, while that of DDL fell by approximately three percent.  Notwithstanding the decline in value, the LSI has gained 15.16 percent for the year, a yield that remains nearly four times higher than that of the risk-free

Household borrowing slows

Tough Choices After five years of double-digit increases in borrowing, Guyanese households may have lost their appetite for borrowing to spend on themselves and their homes. 

Marching up the Great Wall

By Rawle Lucas Lofty Position If developing countries are likened to children, China has now reached the age of adulthood. 

Fears of another bubble

Rawle Lucas is a Guyanese-born Certified Public Accountant and Assistant Vice-President of the Lending Services Division.

The ultimate energy source

by Rawle Lucas Rawle Lucas is a Guyanese-born Certified Public Accountant and Assistant Vice-President of the Lending Services Division.

Valuing Performance

Balance in Performance In a year when the economy reportedly grew by 2.6 percent, many private businesses seemed to have lost value. 

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