Subhana Shiwmangal

About Subhana Shiwmangal



Articles by Subhana Shiwmangal

The yard where the robbery occurred

Shot art teacher recounts horrifying robbery

-wants attacker apprehended Sean Thomas, the 53-year-old Burrowes School of Art teacher who was shot on February 20 during a robbery at Pattensen, Turkeyen says that he is thankful for life and wants his attacker arrested quickly.

Melinda Tekesford, Project Lead for the Grenada Tourism Authority displaying Grenadian spices

Grenada plays up offerings at expo here

As part of a strategy to strengthen trade, commerce and tourism ties, the local Private Sector Commission (PSC) and the Grenada Tourism Authority on Thursday hosted an expo showcasing a range of items from spices to technological innovations The Pure Grenada Expo which was open to the public at the Guyana Marriott Hotel, in Kingston, Georgetown, highlighted the Spice Isle’s  cultural heritage, spices and tourism offerings, featuring rum and chocolate tasting, a cultural display and exhibits.

Bornellas Smith

How the Cost of Living is affecting people Part 50

Interviews and photos by Subhana Shiwmangal Stabroek News spoke to members of the public in Bagotstown, and close to the Demerara Harbour Bridge junction on the East Bank Demerara about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them.

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