30 Years of Stabroek News

First Published March 31 1990

DEMERARA CHANNEL The Demerara Channel was dredged extensively during 1968 by a chartered foreign owned suction dredge to facilitate the carriage of increased tonnes of bauxite from the transshipment vessel permanently moored in the harbour of Georgetown.

First Published March 30 1988

Georgetown Prison THE INMATES at the Georgetown Prison are calling for the setting up of a Parliamentary Committee — of all parties in Parliament, as well as the Guyana Council of Churches, the Guyana Human Rights Association and the TUC to urgently investigate certain practices at the Georgetown Prison.

First Published March 29 1989

She enjoys the freedom her job offers but remains… Committed To Her Customers IF YOU happen to be in Linden and want to look your best on a limited budget Leota’s Fashion World is the place to go.

First Published march 28 1990

IN A surprise raid late last week the Guyana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) impounded a large number of unfor­tunate animals and arrested several owners.

First published March 27, 1987

PCD Calls For Street Protests THE People’s Progres­sive Party and the Working People’s Alli­ance, the two major parties in the Patriotic Coalition for Democracy, have both called on workers to take action from the bottom if their trade union leaders continue to allow themselves to be manipulated by gov­ernment.

First published March 25, 1989

Doctors’ Quarters Need Urgent Repairs THE doctors’ liv­ing quarters located at Quamina and Waterloo Streets is slowly but surely becoming an ‘eye sore,’ according to observers.

First published March 24, 1990

Senator Kennedy ups The Election Pressure UNITED States Senator Edward Ken­nedy has joined the free and fair elections fight here in what opposition politicians and political observers see as the most important boost to the movement yet.

First published March 23, 1988

Govt Reviewing Hydro Power Possibilities BY SHARIEF KHAN GOVERNMENT is taking another look at the possible establish­ment of a hydro-power scheme at Tiger Hill, up the Demerara river, as it seeks to push the development of alternative sources of energy.

First published on March 21, 1990

Four Scholars Who Triumphed By Hard Work THE Public Service Ministry has offered six scholarships this year for successful students at the 1989 GCE ‘A’ Level examinations.

First Published March 20 1987

The Human Side By PARVAT1 PERSAUD EDWARDS   CENTRED around the former factory site, this once thriving commun­ity, of which the main source of livelihood was the sugar estate, has fallen upon penurious times.

First published March 19, 1988

Sea defences in shambles COASTLANDERS and residents in riverain areas are bracing themselves for extraordinary high tides predicted for this time of the month.

First Published March 18 ,1989

The People’s Progressive party (PPP) reacting to recent allegations in the state media that its leader is inciting violence, has said that the government is resorting to “lies and distortions” to create hysteria.

First Published March 16, 1988

A UNITED Nations consultant is due here in the near future to advise the Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) on the best way of disposing of its thallium sulphate stocks.

Date First Published March 15, 1989

—Pres. Hoyte PRESIDENT Des­mond Hoyte has ex­pressed the hope that the proposed ‘Skills Training for Development Programme’ (STEP) would produce people with the necessary skills who will not com­promise high standards.

Date first published March 12,1988

Food, Fuel In Short Supply In Wake Of Collapse Of Bridge By SHARIEF KHAN   CHAOS dominates the Demerara River ferry service, flour and other food items are in short supply west of the river and prices have jumped steeply in the wake of the collapse of the Demerara River bridge.

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