30 Years of Stabroek News

Poor planning mars awards ceremony

“MY TASK has ended…I am functus officio.” With these words, former Chancellor Victor Emanuel Crane, concluded his assignment as Chairman of the Awards Assess­ment Committee during the pre­sentation ceremony of the Presi­dent’s Awards to Private Sector Industry last Saturday night.

First Published December16,1989

The American firm, Atlantic Tele-Network company, (ATN), is buying 80 per cent of the holdings of Guyana Telecommunication Corporation with the state retaining 20 per cent, government announced yesterday.

Laying Burnham to rest

SCRIPTURAL read­ings, the singing of hymns and an anthem as well as a sermon by a Methodist priest will form part of the, programme for the re­committal of the re­mains of the late Pre­sident Forbes Burnham on Sunday in the Bo­tanic Gardens.

First Published 11,December, 1987

Eight of those seeking a better life By Cuthbert Monchoir FOURTEEN Guyanese footballers have failed to return from the United States of America where they had gone to play Mexico in an Olympic round-robin play-off in Los Angeles.

Date last published December 9, 1989

Means test for pensioners should be $750 – Mrs Jagan tells Parliament PPP Member of Parliament Janet Jagan on Wednesday accused the government of giving a “death penalty” to old age pensioners.

Economy in worst state ever

(First Published: December 8, 1991)  President of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association, Ramdehol Bhookmohan, says the country’s economy is in its worst state ever, inspite of the much publicised ERP programme.

Date last published December 7, 1988

One free exercise book per term A SENIOR official at Guyana Printers says the lack of paper due to a shortage of foreign exchange has tem­porarily put a halt to production of ex­ercise books.

Guyana now ranked below Haiti

Editor’s Note: The following articles, from December 2, 1989, are being reprinted as part of Stabroek News’ ongoing observances to mark its 30th anniversary.

Strike severely cuts power

THE state information agency GPCA yester­day reported the lightn­ing electricity strike had shut down the Kingston power plant and output had dropped from about 27 to around 12 megawatts.

The small businessman

BOAT builders are a dying breed in Guyana, but Peter Mendonca, the Bissoon brothers, Sona, Mohan and Narine and their Father Chaitram say that they intend to make the trade their career.

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