Accountability Watch

All financial breaches and other irregularities in governmentmust be thoroughly investigated (Part II)

Press attention to accountability has never been more important in Guyana with a historically large revenue stream entering government coffers and a regularly stated intent to use those resources for a development agenda that cuts across all regions and races…There is also a larger principle at stake that strong democracies require free information flow in the public marketplace of opinions and ideas.

Auditing of the public accounts:

In last week’s article, we discussed four of the seven infrastructure development projects financed by the Exim Bank of China that ran into serious difficulties during their execution stages – the Skeldon Sugar Modernisation Project; the One Laptop Per Family Project; the Fibre Optic Cable Project; and the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Project.

The Santiago Principles and the NRF Act 2021

On New Year’s Day, the authoritarian government of the oil-rich nation of Kazakhstan removed the subsidy on fuel prices, sparking countrywide protests not only because of the resulting higher gas prices but also over issues relating to inequality, poverty and corruption.

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