Summer Travel
Q: How early should I apply for a visa? The answer is: “As soon as you can”!
Q: How early should I apply for a visa? The answer is: “As soon as you can”!
The United States Supreme Court recently ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional.
This edition of Ask the Consul addresses common questions applicants ask when they intend to travel outside the United States.
The following column answers frequently asked questions about the immigrant visa process associated with adopted children. Who can adopt?
How Do I Demonstrate “Strong Ties” to Guyana? This edition of Ask the Consul addresses common questions applicants ask when refused a tourist visa at the U.S.
Installment One Hundred Forty-Three: New non-immigrant visa appointment and fee process.
Beginning February 1, 2013, the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin collecting a $165 fee from applicants once they have been issued Immigrant Visas.
Installment One Hundred Forty-One Unfortunately, applicants for visas sometimes receive fraudulent or inaccurate information from persons regarding the United States visa process and how to complete the necessary requirements for the application.
Installment One Hundred Forty Q: What is the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program?
Q: I am a US citizen and I want to vote in the next US presidential election, can I vote while I am living in Guyana?
Q: My friend told me that the Embassy has more tourist visas available this year and is giving them out now, is that true?
Installment One Hundred Thirty-Seven This Ask the Consul installment addresses questions regarding President Obama’s announcement on the Deferred Action Process for Young People Q: I heard that my children under 16 can stay in the United States without being deported, is this true?
This Ask the Consul installment addresses questions and provides useful tips for waivers for immigration related ineligibilities.
Installment One Hundred Thirty-Five This Ask the Consul installment addresses frequently asked questions regarding Non-Immigrant Visas.
Installment One Hundred Thirty-Four This Ask the Consul installment addresses frequently asked questions regarding receiving United States Social Security benefits and voting while living abroad.
Q: What can the US Embassy do for a US citizen in trouble with the law in Guyana?
Installment One Hundred and Thirty-One In Fiscal Year 2012, the Department of State estimates it will process 10.5 million nonimmigrant visas and one million immigrant visas.
Installment One Hundred and Thirty This edition of Ask the Consul addresses three common questions asked at the US Embassy.
Installment 129 This Ask the Consul article addresses some common issues encountered with visa photographs.
Installment One Hundred Twenty-Eight This edition of Ask the Consul continues from Installment 127 to address additional questions that applicants ask concerning permanent migration to the United States.
The ePaper edition, on the Web & in stores for Android, iPhone & iPad.
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