Frankly Speaking

Giving thanks for Minister Jordan’s $500

-His Excellency as Comrade-Leader There are occasions when you are quite aggressively upset with a generosity, a gift, even advice offered when you should accept “philosophically” (as in “calmness of temper and judgement”).

From Arcadia to Atlanta: The PNC at 60

Immigrants of quality! Dammit! And to think I had promised myself not to join real knowledgeables in commenting on People’s National Congress (PNC) leader David Arthur Granger’s remarks to his Party faithful gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA two weeks ago.

His Excellency makes the Doctor sound good

-“Neither here nor there” – Harmon   Of course, it depends on your political perspective and affiliation or sympathy; even your subjective tribal kith-and-kin links and loyalties, combined perhaps with your reasonably thought-out strategy for personal survival, then progress, which easily or eventually colours your assessments of our current national leaders.

Solid waste education: The best ever?

Asian-Islamic America? Missing mosquitoes? I grew up  in little old Alberttown in our capital with red ole grandmother sending me to the “doctor shop” for penny white or brown Vaseline.

The PNC at sixty (Part 5)

Was on a brief overseas vacation so I missed all the Georgetown celebratory activities marking the 60th anniversary of the People’s National Congress (PNC) last weekend.

Some lighter sides

The murders, the rapes, the robberies, the corruption, the road fatalities, at the courts and hospitals mentally saturated, today I employ the escapist route, for relatively “lighter sides.”

Our Diaspora, Irma and Immigration

Uncharacteristically, I begin today being sorry for myself and “hurt” because my virtually pioneer observations on certain issues are hardly ever recognized.

First Arrivals: Getting to Guyana first

-Don’t speak ill of the dead? Why not? Since last month I paid tribute to the Emancipation/African experience I’ll offer reflective comments on this month someone decided to deem Amerindian Heritage Month.

I’m agreeing with the opposition-increasingly!

-one Brigadier, two Majors-General (Two upfront “relevant digressions”: Do you realise that one, two or three representatives of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) have letters appearing in three local newspapers, daily!?

Guyana and Carifesta

– Farewell, rest well Hector   This is the briefest of reminiscences of the Caribbean Festival of the Arts – Carifesta.

The prisoner and his warder

Emancipation economic projects From the mouths, pens and computers of writers, analysts, qualified, experienced and wise persons – as well as the ordinary, law-abiding and vulnerable citizens – there flowed an outpouring of views and suggestions regarding the recent prison riots, arson and escapes.

Minds affected by authority, then power

“Assisting” our “Independence” Even though today’s should be among my most brief, I suspect, nay, I know, that again I’m stepping into waters I know little about (their depth).

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