Frankly Speaking

Frankly Speaking

This is, or should be, serious business.  I mean choosing a candidate; then ultimately, voting for a party’s ‘Head of List’ who may end up as Guyana’s president.

Elections (mischief) cometh

-Some response from GAWU Because I agree with Eric Phillips – ACDA official, one-time consultant in South Africa (How did that go?),

The garbage of life

I give thanks for being allowed to be alive with you in these first weeks of a new calendar year 2011, according to how we in this portion of the planet keep count of time.

Still a Guyana to love

– our president, my prognostications I suppose this will forever be my own patriotic position: The land of my birth, where I’ve decided to live all my years (left) – Guyana – will always be a land to love – despite… Despite and notwithstanding the bungling by its political managers which threaten to reduce it (further) to a socioeconomic mess and into an untidy, health-challenged home and even though I harbor strong doubts about them … about us … from time to time, I can’t see our Guyanese people allowing any professional political pretenders

Don’t die for Christmas

-Sealandia’s Pots and Kettles Again eschewing the more profound, the cerebral and analytical, I caution instead those citizens willing to be reasonable, or conservative, for this “Season”.

What are we to believe (Ian)?

-A white Christmas – Forever? -Oh, Thanks President Santa…Perhaps I can justify using this “season” of a rather universal virtually-invasive Christian celebratory festival, to cogitate upon Ian Mc Donald’s last Sunday Stabroek column.

Working-class Christmas gifts

-My government can respond, I’m sure My “working-class” here refers to the thousands of Guyanese actually holding down some type of employment in the country’s public or private sector.

Frankly Speaking…Domestic Violence, what Church?

-Bishop “Brev” – and a cane-cutter’s thoughts The primary objective herein today is to express my conditional support for the latest governmental initiative to confront, lessen or eliminate gender-based abuse, domestic violence.

Frankly Speaking…From the boardroom to Basdeo’s bedroom

-85,000 Hindus, Christians for Mash 2011 Just last Friday I had opined that the typical working-class Guyanese citizen cares little about (macro) economic issues or the more sophisticated even if necessary, questions of fiscal management – or our foreign policy.

Frankly Speaking

This pointedly brief piece published on this day is my own way of expressing unqualified solidarity with the Stabroek News and Sunday Stabroek in their issue with the Government regarding the latter’s withdrawal of State advertising from the two ‘papers.

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