Frankly Speaking

Honeymoon? Co-operation? Expect hell PPP!

The world according to Buxtonian David One could easily imagine – and/or appreciate – the “tons” of commentaries, since Sunday, in print and “on air”, surrounding the emergence of the Irfaan Ali Presidency.

Concerning C.E.O. Officer Lowenfield

-Victoria: – More fallout from the Floyd protests As like last Friday, again as this is being written earlier in this week, I am/we are not blessed with any conclusion to the March 02 elections.

Sorry, no President Irfaan for me

The Iron Lady’s long count, plus… Could it be political immaturity, inspired by an ageing mind, which prevents me from ever accepting the PPP’s Mohamed Irfaan as President of our Guyana Republic?

What `Six Peoples’?

(Re)-Count me out! I noticed, just recently, that the accomplished singer-composer-columnist, Mr Dave Martins returned to the issue of this country’s diversity welcoming its positives for what is sometimes a fractured society.

My old party’s Paramountcy – Now a discredited joke?

-Sad unending power-lust Even as I feel that this which you now read should be my final lamentation of regret over the diminished status of a Party I once embraced, I know that my peers, the age-group oldsters – still tribal and loyal will fume at my derogation, disparagement of “my old party” – the People’s National Congress (PNC).

Emergencies! Both war-rooms reconvene

“Thanks to the President’s Leadership…” PNC War room: Dire concerns, challenges Compared to the real or contrived confidence, exuberance and positive positions regarding the polls before March 02, this first war-room emergency session since election day was sombre, somewhat gloomily uncertain.

Social distancing… Far from election crooks

“Stay Home! Stay Home!” What Home? Look friends, very recently I’ve been telling myself – not always convincingly- that the People’s National Congress (PNC) and GECOM’s Secretariat under former Officer Lowenfield, have won!

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