In The Diaspora

On Xenophobia, Haiti and the Guyana Times

By D. Alissa Trotz D. Alissa Trotz is editor of the  In the Diaspora Column A little over a week ago, Guyanese woke up to what can only be described as a racist and xenophobic attack on Haitians in the Guyana Times newspaper.

On Planet Earth, everything is connected

By Esther Figueroa Esther Figueroa, Ph.D. is an activist independent film maker, writer, linguist and educator who focuses on the environment, social justice, indigenous knowledges and local content.

Ting nah regular

By Eusi Kwayana Reports of governmental and public shortcomings in Guyana are not many, but are important. 

The crisis of public education in Guyana

By Diana Abraham Diana Abraham is a member of the Guyanese diaspora with publications in fields relating to transnational migration, identity and belonging An earlier diaspora column by Deborah Hamilton (January 24th) prompted me to reflect on the similarities between her teaching experiences and those of the teachers who participated in doctoral research I undertook in Guyana eight years ago.

None So Blind…

By Raffique Shah Raffique Shah has offered political commentary for several Trinidadian newspapers since the 1980s, and now writes a weekly column for the Trinidad Express.

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