Latin View

Bachelet faces uphill battle at UN Women

Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet is a smart, highly-educated politician, and a skilful negotiator, but I wonder whether she did the right thing in agreeing to head the United Nations’ new agency for women’s rights, scheduled to start operating Jan 1.

Region ignoring Venezuela coup threats

What a sham! While the Venezuelan military announces it will not accept an opposition victory in the 2012 elections, thousands of people are dying in Mexico’s drug wars and Haiti is suffering from a deadly cholera epidemic, the Organization of American States – supposedly in charge of addressing the region’s biggest problems – is nowhere to be seen.

Kirchner’s death may mark end of an era

The death of former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner will most likely make it difficult for current President Cristina Fernández – his widow – to govern, and may speed up Argentina’s reluctant insertion into the global economy.

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